Superracer - 100 % Koopman

1st Nat. Ace pigeon Slovakia 2010

1st Olympiad pigeon Poland 2011

Father to :


3 x 1st


5 x 1/100

38 x 1/10 (without doubles)

Gr.Father to :

1st - 29.908 pigeons - 333 km

1st Peronne 6.548

Gr.Son to :

NL 05-1936509 "Dirky"

NL 03-4774401 "Golden Hope"

NL 05-1936727 "Franco"

NL 03-1731796 "Gameela's Hope"

SK 0603-07-483

"Olympiade 483"

Bred from 2 originals from Koen Van Roy